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Bare Conductive
Touch Board
How do I troubleshoot my Touch Board?
Which digital pins are available on the Touch Board?
What can the Touch Board be used for?
How do I power the Touch Board?
How much power does the Touch Board consume?
How do I program the Touch Board?
See all 13 articles
Light Up Board
How do I troubleshoot my Light Up Board?
What can the Light Up Board be used for?
How do I power the Light Up Board?
How many sensors does the Light Up Board have?
How do I connect to the Light Up Board’s electrodes?
How do I attach the Light Up board to my project?
See all 8 articles
Pi Cap
What can the Pi Cap be used for?
How do I power the Pi Cap?
How many sensors does the Pi Cap have?
How do I connect to the Pi Cap’s electrodes?
How do I attach the Pi Cap to my project?
How do I program the Pi Cap?
See all 10 articles