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Bare Conductive
Electric Paint
Electric Paint
What is Electric Paint?
What can I use Electric Paint 10ml for?
What can I use Electric Paint 50ml for?
What can I use Electric Paint 1L for?
Where or on what surfaces can I apply Electric Paint?
Can I use Electric Paint on clothing or textiles?
See all 9 articles
Electrical Properties
How much power can I put through Electric Paint?
What is the resistance of Electric Paint?
My paint isn't conductive, why can't I detect continuity with a multimeter?
Can I use another paint as an insulator?
Do you have any technical data sheets for Electric Paint?
Material Properties
Is Electric Paint toxic?
Can I use Electric Paint on skin?
Can I get Electric Paint in a different colour?
Does Electric Paint 'light up' or glow?
How long does Electric Paint last?
Is Electric Paint waterproof or smudge-proof?
See all 12 articles
Printed Sensors
Can Printed Sensors sense through materials?
Are Printed Sensors waterproof?
What can Printed Sensors be used for?
How do I connect Printed Sensors to my board?
How many Printed Sensors come in a pack?
Can I make my own Printed Sensors?